Preliminary’s results study about socio-demographic and clinical aspects of elderly population living at home in Niamey (Niger)

Abdoul Kader ANDIA, Mahaman Sani BAKO, Karima Kané GARBA, Mamane DAOU, Souleymane BRAH, Eric ADEHOSSI


Introduction: Geriatric care is a new specialty in the Nigerien’s context and the effectiveness of care requires prevention of frailty before admission to a hospital. Our purpose was to describe the sociodemographic and clinical aspects of elderlypopulation living at home. Methodology. This is a prospective, descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in the urban community of Niamey from February 2021 to December 2021 and concerned subjects both sexes, aged 60 and over living at home in whom screening tests for geriatric syndromes were used.Results: A total of 198 patients data had been collected, of which 51.5% were female with an average age of 68 years and extremes of 60 to 84 years, a predominance age group of 65-74 years was 70.7%, 40% had a was educated; 60.1% were married. Frequent occupations were: housewives (40%), farmer (10.6%); 84.3% had a CIRS56 score of 0-5 in which 40.4% had High blood Pressure;60.6% took medication. About clinical aspect,78.2% had loss of functional ability, 65.6% had probable depression ,20.2% had a risk of falling and 13.1% were malnourished. Among educated people 62.5% had a low probability of dementia and 5% had high probability of dementia at the first step of the CODEX.Conclusion: The elderly population in Niger waswomen and no scolarized in majority. The had depressive and disability for activity daily living.Keywords: Geriatric - socio-demography - clinic- home - HGR - Niamey.

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